
{twenty thirteen}

December 17, 2013

What a year we have had!
This is the year that Aubree FINALLY turns 6. She has been waiting and dreaming of being six for as long as I can remember. This year was filled with so many new friends for her~ and our social butterfly has enjoyed every minute of it. She is learning to read and I am pleasantly surprised at how well she is doing. She is doing mostly first grade work.

Brant has been making such large strides in spite of his dyslexia. I am so proud of his progress. It has not been easy at all. We have both cried our fair share of tears, hung on for dear life at the end of our ropes, and climbed our way back up. This year, our little man played Quarter Back for his football team. He did such a good job and it was pure joy to watch him week after week.

Drake is turning into a teenager before our very eyes. This year, I have seen him struggle with saying good-bye to the child and try to find himself as he grows and matures. He could not be more excited as the first signs of facial hair begin to shadow his lip. If you know Drake at all, you know how THRILLING this is for him. He has wanted "man hair" forever! He aged out of rec ball this year and joined a Home School football league {AHSA}. It was precious to see the transition. He still has a lot of growing to do over the next few years, but I am eager to have a front row seat to see how it all unfolds! He struggled so much at his first practice and it was simply amazing to see my kid doing such a good job by the end of the season.

Karli has had such a wonderful year. She has not ceased to amaze me. With the help and support of so many of you, our family and cherished friends, she was able to attend Model & Talent EXPO this past summer. The experiences she had there both rocked her to the core and strengthened her spirit. She tried out and made the competition team at her dance studio. Every single week it is evident that all of her constant hard work is paying off because she is consistently improving so much as a dancer. It's been so special to see her finding herself and settling in to who she really is~ and it's even more beautiful to see her drawing close to God and building a personal relationship with Him.

Freddie & I celebrated 21 years of marriage this year. I am proud to stand next to this man as his wife. I love him more each and every day, and I pray he feels the same way about me. This year we were able to go on a family vacation- our first one in four years. It was an amazing time and we completely enjoyed every moment. As a family, we were able to sponsor a little boy from Honduras. He is a precious six year old and we pray God's favor on his life. The kids are so excited to love on him in letters and share God's love with him. I spent a lot of this year giving of myself and my time. I have gotten back so much more than I could ever give. It has been so important for me to be a good example to my children this way. This year I also reached a personal goal of reading the Bible through. It was a lovely experience and I hope to go deeper into Scripture next year. Freddie has been working as hard as ever, and our hope is for him to be able to take a little more time off and work like "normal" people are supposed to. We are continuing to be committed to becoming debt free and look forward to what God has in store for our family as we faithfully serve and worship Him.
This year has had it's share of challenges and disappointments, but it has given us BLESSINGS running over! We are honored to have made so many new friends and share another wonderful year with old friends and family. We enter the new year in prayer for you and yours for health & favor for the New Year. Thank you for sharing 2013 with us. You are forever a very important part of Our Story!
Merry CHRISTmas and Happy New Year!
Love~ the CALVERETTE's
Merry CHRISTmas from the CALVERETTE Crew!

{our year in pictures in no particular order}

New Year's 2013
my goofy girls
someone turned FORTY this year!
Karli's awards from the Model & Talent EXPO 1st Runner Up: DANCE; 1st Place: SWIMSUIT; 1st Place: RUNWAY
Brant's faux-hawk
reading a book for FUN!
CYT: Karli was in a scene from The Sound of Music
Brant's birthday trip to the movies
photo shoot for MT EXPO
Car Wash fundraiser
Karli & Drake's birthday party
my April babies
Easter bunny is brave to show up at the hunting club
my little Picasso
Painting with a Twist with friends
appendicitis scare
dinner to celebrate Daddy's birthday
our meteorologists
this is how we play
duck lips
I'm gonna miss this
bow hunters
Aub's birthday party
Drake and his pet iguana, Elvis
vacation: New Orleans
oh, you know, this is just what dancer's do when they are waiting in the car
vacation: Destin
and we've got asthma
new friends
first day of football practice. High School football is serious
what she loves
one proud football mom
my love's still got it
me and my love!


{thankful heart 27 & 28}

November 28, 2013

Nov 27- I am thankful to have been placed here on this earth, at this time in history. I've often wondered why God sent me here when He did. It truly is a wonderful time to be alive. 

Nov 28- I am thankful for my sister. I have ONE sibling. That's it. I am so proud of the woman she has grown in to. I love that girl.


{thankful heart 26}

November 26, 2013

I am so thankful for leftovers. I really don't enjoy cooking very much. I do, however, like to eat. It's very pleasing when I am able to take a day off from cooking. 


{thankful heart 25}

November 25, 2013

I am thankful for every man and woman who faithfully do the jobs that many of us deem unattractive or undesirable. From garbage men to those who work for minimum wage cleaning a public restroom, from doctors who put their hands in your guts to save your life to lawyers who defend the innocent & prosecutors who convict the guilty. Our world is better because of everything that so many are willing to do. 


{thankful heart 22, 23, 24}

November 24, 2013

Nov 22- I am thankful for electricity. It's one of those modern conveniences that we tend to take for granted.

Nov 23-  I am thankful for always being able to provide everything we need for our family and a lot of the things that we want.

Nov 24- I am thankful for the freedom to worship God. I have found a most wonderful church and there are places in this world that it would be illegal for me to attend there.


{thankful heart 21}

November 21, 2013

I am thankful for my Bestest Friend in the whole wide world. She occupies a special place in my heart. I am not a person who trusts very easily, and over the years, she has proven that I can trust her with my heart. Neither of us are perfect, but we have learned to look at each other's intentions and we have learned to forgive each other's shortcomings. Thank you, Lord, for Savannah.


{thankful heart 20}

November 20, 2013

This may sound so shallow, but I am truly grateful for the technology that allows me to record my favorite TV shows. I can't always plan my life around TV. There are actually a few shows that I really enjoy. So being able to record them and watch them at my convenience is so very nice. 


{thankful heart 19}

November 19, 2013

I am thankful for our material possessions. I get that there are so many things that we actual CAN live without, but the fact is we have those things and they are very nice. I don't take them for granted and I am appreciative of all that we have.


{thankful heart 18}

November 18, 2013

I am thankful for our health. It's something that I never take for granted.


{thankful heart 17}

November 17, 2013

I am thankful for a husband who loves me- warts and all. {no, I don't have actual warts, it's purely figurative, but if I did have actual warts, he'd still love me} He works very hard to provide for us. He is unselfish and he is funny. He is pretty hot, too! {sorry kids} Thank you, Lord, for giving me a mind to rhyme and two hype feet such a wonderful man to share my life with.


{thankful heart 15 & 16}

November 16, 2013

Nov 15. I am thankful for my friends. I lived much of my life with a handful of friends. By choice. But, God has brought some really wonderful women into my life lately and I have fallen in love with them and their families.  They are all so wonderful and so different. I am learning so much about myself through them. I am blessed.

Nov 16. I am thankful for Aubree AnnaLynn. I cannot imagine not having our #4. She has been energy and fun. She is smart and wild. It's been such a different and brilliant experience being her mother. Thank you, Lord, for loving me enough to share her with us!


{thankful heart 13, 14}

November 14, 2013

Nov. 13. I am thankful for my parents and my husband's parents. I realize that not every family has grandparents in the picture and our family is blessed to have four of them. They each bring different things to our lives and for that I am grateful.

Nov 14. I am thankful for my little Brant. I am so glad that God saw best for him to be a boy and not that girl that I so badly thought I wanted at the time. He lights up a room with that smile of his. He is always so generous with his hugs and love. He challenges me in ways I did not know possible, but brings so much more joy into my heart and life than one could imagine. I love him and I am proud to be part of his story.


{thankful heart 12}

November 12, 2013

Today I am thankful for FORGIVENESS. Life looks so much prettier in a blog post, however, I am going to be honest with you. My life is not always pretty. I would love to say that I am always a good example of Christ to my children. But I am not. I lose it. I scream. Sometimes, I just cannot hold it together. And then, I hate myself. Because that's not at all how I WANT to behave. But, there is always forgiveness.  Thank you, Jesus, that I don't have to rely upon my own devices to get through a lifetime in this world. I can be at peace knowing that my shameful heart can be wiped clean with Your blood. I just need to ask and You remember it no more. 

"In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of his grace," Ephesians 1:7


{thankful heart 11}

November 11, 2013

From the bottom of my heart, I am so very thankful for those who have joined our armed forces to serve our country. It's a brave and selfless thing to do and I appreciate you. I realize each and every day that freedom does not come free. It is hard earned and long fought, paid for with blood, sweat, & tears. Your willingness to make the ultimate sacrifice makes you a hero in my eyes.

"There is no greater love than to lay down one's life for one's friends." John 15:13


{thankful heart 10}

November 10, 2013

I am thankful to be part of such a wonderful church family. I have made so many friends that I have really grown to care about. I love having a place to offer worship with a body of believers who love God like I do. My spirit is fed there & there are many areas where I am able to offer my resources to others- from working on the MAPS team, to small groups, to mission opportunities. In a congregation that runs about 3000 people per weekend, I still feel like my church cares about me and my family and they have gone out of their way to love on us when we have needed it. Thank you, Lord for sending me to this church that I call home.

"Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing." 1Thessalonians 5:11


{thankful heart 9}

November 9, 2013

I am thankful for family and friends who step up to the plate and give of themselves to help out. From babysitting, to cooking a meal for my large-ish family, to donating to various fund raising efforts for my kids and everything in between. Your love, time, prayers, and financial support have not gone unnoticed or unappreciated. I think that Jesus meant so much more than dying in the physical sense when He issued the commandment to love one another. I think He meant for us to give of our own lives- our resources- to each other. I love you and am so blessed to live a life filled with such wonderful people who have been willing to "lay down their lives" for me. 

"This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends. You are my friends if you do what I command you. No longer do I call you servants, for the servant does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, for all that I have heard from my Father I have made known to you." John 15:12-15


{thankful heart 8}

November 8, 2013

I am thankful for the means and energy God has showered onto my life that has availed the opportunities for  my kids to participate in sports that enrich their lives. It has been a blessing to watch Karli work hard and deliberate, exhibit determination and responsibility and evolve into a beautiful dancer right before my eyes. I am excited to watch Brant's passion for football unfold & reignite this year as he reached a goal of becoming QB for his team. Aubree is stirring anticipation in my heart as she is following in her sisters footsteps, or should I say dancing shoes. My cup truly runneth over as I see Drake transforming into a young man. Football has been so good for him and he's come so far from the first practice when he would beg me at each water break to pack up and go home and the first weeks where he would express his desire to quit on the way to every practice to watching friendships develop, seeing him look up to the "older boys" as role models, his stamina improve, his heart awakened, and his excitement grow with his skill. We are truly blessed indeed. 

"The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps." Proverbs 16:9


{thankful heart 7}

November 7, 2013

I am thankful for the men and women who give of their time and talents for our children~ from the workers in the children's ministry at church to the parents and coaches at football. YOU are very much appreciated and your willingness to serve has not gone unnoticed. You have certainly made a difference in the lives of my children. I am honored and blessed to have you as a part of their lives and legacy.

"For truly, I say to you, whoever gives you a cup of water to drink because you belong to Christ will by no means lose his reward." Mark 9:41


{thankful heart 6}

November 6, 2013

I am thankful for technology. There are some instances where it can and is used for evil, but, for the most part, it makes our lives so much easier~ from communication to the advances in medicine and quality of life. Thank you, Lord.


{thankful heart 5}

November 5, 2013

I am so very thankful for my firstborn son, Drake William Elie Calverette. He will carry on his family name- a name which I am proud to call my own. He is smart and passionate. He is funny and emotional. {not in a sissy kind of way} He is my son. I love him with a special kind of love that I did not know existed before he was born. I am so proud to see him grow from a boy into a man. 

"Discipline your son, and he will give you rest; he will give delight to your heart." Proverbs 29:17


{thankful heart 4}

November 4, 2013

I am thankful for the miracle of emptying to fill. When I am able to give I truly get back a good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over. Thank you, Lord! (Luke 6:38)


{thankful heart 3}

November 3, 2013

I am so thankful for daylight savings time. This extra hour of sleep was just the perfect timing for me. I feel relaxed because I am well rested and still have plenty of coffee time in front of the fireplace. This weather is just perfect! And then I get to worship my Lord at church with some really cool people. I've got a full, fun-filled day planned and I couldn't be more grateful.

"This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it." Psalm 118:24


{thankful heart 2}

November 2, 2013

I am thankful for Karli Blayne Calverette. She is an amazing child. She is so responsible and trustworthy. She helps me so much in running our household. I can count on her to babysit when I need to be away. I could not do all that I do without her. 

"Children are a gift from the Lord; they are a reward from him." Psalm 127:3


{thankful heart}

November 1, 2013

I don't know what it is, exactly,
but I have been very moist-eyed lately.
Tears will appear at the slightest little thought.
Or commercial.
It's probably hormones.

I'd like to think that it's because I am
settling into this place.
The one where I am more confident
and clueless.
The one where I am exhausted
but fueled to give more.
The place where old friends used to be
and new ones are filling in.
I'm learning to stick up for myself
and that I don't have to attend every argument I'm invited to.

I like it.
This place.
It's new, and scary, and exciting.
I find myself humbled and thankful.
And here begins another challenge.
You know exactly what I'm going to say.
It seems like November requires us to become aware of our blessings.
And honestly, I am very grateful every single day!
I just don't always write it down.
I speak it.
But words can vanish in to memory.
So this is where I etch the song of my heart into forever.

I am thankful for a Savior who died for someone, for me, for you, that was not worthy of the sacrifice. We don't deserve one drop of His blood. His love for us is so great that He suffered in the hopes that we would one day love Him back. I am grateful for so much more than my mind can even comprehend in the Love of Jesus Christ. 

"We love because he first loved us." 1John 4:19

"For while we were still weak, at the right time Christ died for the ungodly. For one will scarcely die for a righteous person- though perhaps for a good person one would dare even die- but God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us." Romans 5:6-8


31 Days {day 31}

October 31, 2013

the interview

I thought it would be fun to share videos of what my kids think of me as a mom. They recorded these videos with their siblings in private. I did not coach or coax them at all. They were simply given the instructions to take my phone into their room and record each other making a short video of what they think of me as a mother. Here is the result:

Oh, yeah, and they're dressed up for "halloween" today. 

"Her children arise and call her blessed" Proverbs 31:28


31 Days {day 30}

October 30, 2013

name 10 things you hope to be remembered for

  1. I was an honest person.
  2. I loved God.
  3. I loved my children.
  4. I was helpful.
  5. I was not selfish.
  6. I was a good wife.
  7. I made sure that my house was always a home.
  8. I never quit trying to be better.
  9. I had a servant's heart.
  10. I was a good friend to many.
"My son, do not forget my teaching, but let your heart keep my commandments, for length of days and years of  life and peace they will add to you. Let not steadfast love and faithfulness forsake you; bind them around your neck; write them on the tablet of your heart. So you will find favor and good success in the sight of God and man." Proverbs 3:1-4


31 Days {day 29}

October 29, 2013

Okay. So I don't get the "Blogger of the Year" award.
My weekend was spent in New Orleans with Karli at a dance convention.
I was able to watch my baby girl study under some of the world's top professional dancers.
That is more important than blogging any ole day.
So, I'm skipping over a few days and "catching myself up" today.

{day 29}

what's your favorite quality in your spouse?

Freddie is a very hard worker.
There is not a lazy bone in his body.
He pushes himself every single day to provide well for us.
We made the decision years ago for me to quit my job
and stay home to raise our children.
He has picked up the slack and worked a full time job and then
the equivalent of another job and sometimes more.

I also love that he is in love with me.
Girls need to feel special and beautiful,
and no matter how much weight I gain,
how crazy my hair looks,
or how I look without make-up,
Freddie always makes me feel like he thinks I am 
the most beautiful girl in the world.

"Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh." Genesis 2:24

"But if anyone does not provide for his relatives, and especially for members of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever." 1Timothy 5:8


31 Days {day 24 & day 25}

October 25, 2013

Lucky us.
Another two for one!
Listen y'all, I've got a crazy busy weekend so please forgive my skipping.
Just a warning, it's GOING to happen again.
REALLY soon.

{day 24}

what is your most & least favorite things about parenthood

My least favorite thing about parenthood is disciplining my children.
It just stinks, especially when the lessons are hard.
I never want to be the "bad guy", even though I know that in reality I'm not.

My favorite thing about parenthood is everything else.
I love the snuggly moments, 
the belly laughs, 
seeing them grow into themselves, 
kisses & cuddles, 
seeing them learn,
the feeling that I have when they show me they love me & trust me.
I love being a parent!

{day 25}

if you could have dinner with anyone in history who would it be and what would you eat?

What an honor would it be to have dinner with Jesus? Just to be in the presence of the Messiah would be enough to take my breath away. And if I could actually eat, we would eat Bread & Wine.

"And while they were eating, Jesus took the bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to his disciples, saying,'Take and eat; this is my body.' Then he took the cup, gave thanks and offered it to them, saying, 'Drink from it, all of you. This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins. I tell you, I will not drink of this fruit of the vine from now on until that day when I drink it anew with you in my Father's kingdom.'" Luke 22:26-29


31 Days {day 23}

October 23, 2013

what is your favorite holiday and why?

This one is easy.
My favorite holiday is CHRISTmas.
I love CHRISTmas because it is so much more than just one day.
It's a season.
With the first cool spell of fall, a spark ignites an ember within me.
It is the trigger reminding me of a coming day where we will gather 
with our family and friends to celebrate and reconnect.
There will be laughing, and food, and exchanges of tokens of our affections.
Memories will be relived and made new.
It's a sentimental hope, a settling deep within, a joy, an emptying of one's self to be filled.
CHRISTmas is when I turn off the noise of the world 
{for the most part}
and focus on the Gift and what it means for me.
Every year it's about the Birth- about God becoming a human being in the person of Jesus.
It's the reminder of His love for us that awakens me to a re-birth within my soul.
I am grateful always for a Savior who gave the Greatest Gift, 
and for the celebration of His birth continues to give so much more to me & my family.

"Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord." Luke 2:


reading the CHRISTmas story at our family party