
I'm A Copy Cat

February 28, 2011

Want to know what your kids think about? Just ask them.

My friend, Tammy, writes a blog, Finding the Sonlight, and today her post was amazing. Only it wasn't written by her. It was written by her daughter, Kaitlyn, who was given a project for school to write an auto-bio poem and a bio poem about someone in the household. She chose her sister and the results were so amazing that my friend had her also write one about her brother. (You can view them by clicking on the word "post" above.) Well, I am in love with what she wrote and it made me curious to see what my little children would have to say in an auto-bio poem. So, without further adieu....


Blue eyes. Likes eating. Brown hair. Braces.

Relative of Drake, the brains.

Friend of Lexi the weirdo and Alexis the friend.

Lover of kitties, KitKats, and my dog Freckles.

Who feels like going swimming in winter, that school makes me want to sleep, and that pigs are cute.

Who needs a rainbow eraser, pet zebra, and boudin flavored gum.

Who gives food to Grammie's cats, time to do my school, 99.9% of effort in dancing.

Who fears spiders, snakes, and lizards.

Who would like to see Justin Bieber, a zig (a mixture of a zebra and a pig), and what I would look like if I had a tail.

Who enjoys watching the clouds go by, hunting, and ballet.

Who likes to wear skinny jeans, shirts with sayings, and feather earrings.

Resident of my mind where there are dancing pigs.




I have long hair. I have brown eyes. I have a video game collection. I'm good at defense on football.

Relative of Freddie, the electronic expert.

Friend of Blain, the little ball of energy, and Gage, the teddy bear.

Lover of football, hunting, and God.

Who feels that congress should give each family $5000 for groceries.

Who finds happiness in playing football, eating cheese, and watching TV.

Who needs a bit more TV, less yelling, and more quiet time.

Who gives Grammie's cats love and toys to Aubree.

Who fears things that stare at me, chickens, and being alone in the dark.

Who would like to see Tony Hawk and Michael Waddell.

Who enjoys playing Call of Duty: Black Ops on PS3 (muted) and playing football.

Who likes to wear camo and my Octopus shirt.

Resident of Drake World, where I control my citizens.




Football player. Hunter. Friend.

Relative of Daddy, a hunter.

Friend of Brayden, lover of the color green.

Lover of shooting the gun, hunting with my family, and rabbit hunting.

Who feels that Mommy shouldn't fuss at me to clean my room.

Who finds happiness in going on vacation and my Daddy.

Who needs a phone, an iPod, and my own room.

Who gives stuffed animals to Aubree.

Who fears bad guys, bears, coyotes, alligators, and crocodiles.

Who would like to see Drew Brees play football in person.

Who enjoys hunting, shooting my shotgun, and playing with my friends.

Who likes to wear a Bone Collector T-shirt and jeans.

Resident of New Orleans, Bailey Street.




Queen. Dancer. Singer. Adorable.

Relative of her siblings, Karli the dancer, Drake the intellect, and Brant the singer.

Friend of Noah, the wild child.

Lover of Mommy and Daddy, nail polish, drawing and coloring, and CANDY!

Who feels like she should have an endless supply of candy, she should be able to sleep between Mommy & Daddy forever, and that she should never have to wear underwear.

Who finds happiness in eating candy, playing with her siblings, and being with her Grammie.

Who needs to learn how to wipe herself after she uses the potty, to learn how to write her letters, and to learn how to brush her own teeth.

Who gives the best hugs, lots of love, and plenty messes for Mommy to clean up.

Who fears bugs, coyotes, and "esketens" (skeletons).

Who would like to see Justin Bieber, The Grinch every day, Bolt every day, and Hotel for Dogs every day.

Who enjoys when her sister paints her toenails, when anyone plays with her, and eating candy.

Who likes to wear nothing, but, when she must wear something she likes leggins, t-shirts and frilly skirts.

Resident of her own little world where everyone considers her their Queen!


(Aubree's was obviously a bio poem!)

I will cherish these forever! I hope you enjoy them as much as I do.

"Children born to a young man are like sharp arrows in a warrior's hands. How happy is the man whose quiver is full of them!" Psalm 127:4-5


What KIND am I?

February 25, 2011

I was reading one of the blogs that I follow today, and I came across a verse that gave me pause. "She openeth her mouth with wisdom; and in her tongue is the law of kindness." Proverbs 31:26 And I thought to myself, I may make every effort to not be unkind, but do I make every effort to always be kind? Sadly and ashamedly the answer is no. First of all, there are plenty of times that my efforts to not be unkind fail. But, even worse than that, I think, is that there are plenty of times that I feel the Holy Spirit leading me to ACTIVELY be kind and I resist. I hold back that compliment because I am trying to feel better about myself. I leave words of encouragement left unspoken out of selfishness. I hold back from doing something nice for someone else using the excuse that they wouldn't do the same for me. I totally get that I do it because I probably don't like myself very much and I am feebly trying to make me feel better about me. But, what am I accomplishing? Wouldn't it make more sense to BE a kinder person in order to feel better about myself? {Cue the light bulb!!!!!}

"Do not withhold good from those who deserve it when it's in your power to help them." Proverbs 3:27

The End.


Let's Go For a Walk

February 23, 2011

Today is my husband's birthday. Can we stand another tribute as to how much I love this guy so soon after Valentine's Day? I think not. I only have 16 followers and I don't want to lose any of you! LOL! I do love him. I wish him the happiest birthday EVER. I hope that I get to spend at least 60 more birthdays with him!

Today, I pray that God will help me to become what my husband needs me to be! I want to be a compliment to his life, not a burden. I want to make him happy, not be a source of stress. I want to be a part of his every day thoughts and desires, not apart from them. I want to make his life more enjoyable. I want him to want to spend at least 60 more birthdays with me!

I have been spending much of this past year changing, growing, searching for who God wants me to be. I have not been living up my potential in Him. I could be so much more than I am. For years, I was living my life content. But, I want more. I realize that who I was simply was not who I was satisfied in being for my family. They deserve more. God has been changing me. He has been helping me to grow closer to that person that they deserve me to be. I am not there yet, but, I am closer than I was at this time last year.

I used to think that I was a pretty decent person. And, according to the standards of the world, I probably was. But, I have decided to live for God, not the world and I have found out that I am not nearly as loving as I thought I was. There are so many times that it is easy for me to judge people (and talk about them to others) for whatever reason. That is the opposite of being loving. I also have discovered that I am more prideful than I used to admit to. Stubbornness is a symptom of pride. I have discovered that I have to work very hard at learning to let go of wanting to "show them" just for the sake of being "right". I am also not as generous as I 'd like others to believe I am. The list goes on, but I will spare you the details. You get the idea, and I'm sure if you know me personally you can easily add things to what I've already confessed.

There are so many things that I can do that will make others think that I am better than I am. I can trick even myself into believing that I am a "good person". But, if I am being honest, there are so many times that I fall victim to the things that are, at the least, not very nice. And even if others don't recognize it, God sees it all. And, as my appetite to become better grows, my eyes are opened wider to those things that are keeping me from actually being better. I literally have to have discussions with myself inside my head~ sermons or pep talks or conversations with God or whatever you want to call it. (Crazy? I can accept that, too.)

This is a journey, my journey. I will never be as good as I could be. Not until I get to heaven. But, I never want to be content just standing still on the side of the road. I want to spend the rest of my life walking towards something better than I currently am. Feel free to join me~ the sights and smells along the way are breathtaking and it's worth every single step!

"And now, may the God of peace, who brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, equip you with all you need for doing his will. May he produce in you, through the power of Jesus Christ, all that is pleasing to him." Hebrews 13:20-21

"Commit your work to the Lord, and then your plans will succeed." Proverbs 16:3

"Unfailing love and faithfulness cover sin; evil is avoided by fear of the Lord." Proverbs 16:6

"It is better to be poor and godly than rich and dishonest." Proverbs 16:8

"The path of the upright leads away from evil; whoever follows that path is safe." Proverbs 16:17


Out of the Mouths of Babes

February 22, 2011 (published 2/21/11 at 10 pm)

  • Aubree: If I put this googly eye (it fell off of a sticker) under my pillow, will the tooth fairy bring me a lilly-pop?
  • Me: Aubree, do you want to talk to Grammie (on the phone)?     Aubree: She's really cute, but, I don't wanna talk to her right now.
  • Brant: Hold your tongue and say ship. (Thank God he's home schooled! Where do you think he learned this from?)
  • Aubree: Hey Mom. I put some Vitamin E on my nose! (It was Vick's salve and it was ALL OVER HER FACE- eyes and all!)
  • Brant: Why is it a bad idea to do math in the jungle? Because if you add 4 + 4 you get EIGHT!
  • Karli: Why was 6 afraid of 7? Because 7 "eight" 9!
  • Brant: Hey, Mom. Guess what. I picked the tag to be a "Songster" at church on Sunday, but, when the time came I chickened out and put it under Drake's chair. (giggles)
  • Drake: How do the monsters take care of the little girl? Scary carefully.
  • When I drop Aubree off in her Sunday school classroom, they always ask if she can have "such and such" because her tag indicates that she is lactose intolerant. One day last week she said to me: Mom, tell the lady at church that I can have Skittles.
"Children are a gift from the Lord; they are a reward from him." Psalm 127:3

What's For Dinner?

February 21, 2011

I am participating in a "Beth Moore study" from her book "So Long Insecurity". Well during church yesterday, our pastor said something that made the "light bulb"turn on.... He said, "Satan's native language is lying." "You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father's desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies." John 8:44 Hello. Is this thing on? Satan is a liar!

He is the reason we are INSECURE! He lies to us. He tells us that we are not as smart as "the other guy". He tells us we are not as pretty as "the other guy". He tells us that we are not as valuable as "the other guy". He tells us we cannot get it right! He tells us we are nothing more than a failure! He tells us we are destined to repeat our mistakes. He tells us we do not deserve good. WRONG! God sees each one of us in His truth. And in His truth we are lovable. So much so, that, well, you know- John 3:16! 

How do we stand against the constant whispering in our ear from ole Horns & Pitchfork himself? I'm not exactly sure, hence the Beth Moore study. I think the first step is to recognize that when we have "those" thoughts about ourselves, we have to remind ourselves that it is just the Angel of the bottomless pit who is trying to get us to join Him for dinner! Just say NO! Don't do it. It's a trap. YOU are what He's gonna chop up and serve on a plate! You're going to have to give yourself a pep talk. (I'm writing as though I am talking to you, but, I'm really trying to get it through to myself! It's hard. Beezlebub is good at what He does.)

I'm going to let you know what I find out as I go through this study about getting rid of my insecurities. But, if you'd like to join in yourself it's NOT too late! It's an online study and the book is discussed at Joli Women's Ministry on Monday's and Friday's. We're only on Chapter 4 this week, so it's still pretty easy to catch up to us. I hope to see you there!

"But you belong to God, my dear children. You have already won your fight with these false prophets, because the Spirit who lives in you is greater than the spirit who lives in the world. These people belong to this world, so they speak from the world's viewpoint, and the world listens to them. But we belong to God; that is why those who know God listen to us. If they do not belong to God, they do not listen to us. That is how we know if someone has the Spirit of truth or the spirit of deception." 1John 4:6. 

"I have called you back from the ends of the earth so you can serve me. For I have chosen you and will not throw you away. Don't be afraid, for I am with you. Do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you. I will help you. I will uphold you with my victorious right hand." Isaiah 41:9-10 


Bargain Hunter

February 19, 2011

Woo Hoo! It's Saturday! Hubs is taking the boys to some "hunting convention" something or other this afternoon and so it looks as though the girls and I will be forced to go shopping. I know, right? How terrible! Oh well, I guess we should make the best of it. Spring IS on the way, after all, and my girls have got to have clothes! I'd much rather be home with my steam cleaner, scrubbing baseboards, but, a mom's gotta do what a mom's gotta do. We have to make sacrifices for our kids from time to time.

Seriously. I love to shop- but, not just any shopping will do! I must BARGAIN SHOP! I don't care how much money you have or you don't have, the thrill of getting a "good deal" has got to be just as thrilling as any cocaine high. (Okay, so, I'm guessing here. Tylenol is my "drug of choice". I know, I'm such a bad girl.)

Normally, I post this on the "GoodWill Hunting" page, but today, I thought that I would show you a few of my "Goodwill" finds here. I got all of the following for about $40. (I also got Drake another shirt- a football jersey kind of shirt, but, he loved it so much that he snuck it out of the laundry and wore it to bed last night.)
Jeans from Linited Too with the tags still on for Karli!

The sweater and the skirt are for Karli, both from Limited Too!

This is a coat for Brant. It's Old Navy. The picture does it no justice. It is really cute!

The shirt is from Gymboree for Brant. I also found him a practice jersey for football in the fall.

The shirt is Osh Kosh and the shorts are Children's Place. Both are for Drake.

A little something for Momma.

Oh what will I do with this little item?
We are a one income family of six. We have our fair share of hard times. But, it makes me feel good to be able to save my family money on things we need wherever I can. And I just can't see paying $48.90 on a pair of jeans for myself when I can get a perfectly good pair for $4.89. Really. 

When I first started shopping at Goodwill, it took me a long time before I actually bought anything. I would walk into the store and just walk around aimlessly. Once I finally got accustomed to the store and how much things cost and where everything was, I really began to enjoy digging through the stuff to find that hidden treasure! I feel like I've won the jackpot every time I find something with the tags still on (like the jeans I bought for Karli from Limited Too). I've even bought furniture there. When I was pregnant with Aubree I knew that we'd need a dresser for her things. Well, I found one with beautiful lines and details for $40! I took it home and Freddie sanded it and painted it for me and I absolutely love it! It served double duty as a changing table, too, when she was a baby.

A few weeks ago, I saw a program on TV about "extreme couponing" (is that a word?) and I am so intrigued by it. I remember when I was a kid, my grandfather would do the whole coupon/rebate thing and he probably actually made money doing it! He, at least, got a whole lot of free stuff. And there isn't much that I like better than free. I don't know that I have the time and energy to get as deep into it as he did, but, I really want to explore the "coupon" option. I cannot imagine how it would feel to walk out of WalMart (or wherever) with $200 worth of groceries and only have spent a fraction ($50?) of that. Some of the women on that program would have something like a $600 total bill and only pay $20 or something crazy like that! Their garage's looked like a warehouse! No joke! They could easily live off of what they have for months!

So, what do you think about the whole "buy used and save the difference" philosophy? I'd love to hear about any of your "special finds and great deals". Leave me a comment if you care to share! We could all use some inspiration!

"She watches for bargains; her lights burn late into the night." Proverbs 31:18


I'm Tired!

February 17, 2011

I am having a hard time keeping up with my life lately. I guess that even "Super Mommy" has a more difficult time recouping from the flu than she'd like to admit. It's a really good thing that Brant was so far ahead in his school work because I have certainly been more lax about it than I want to be, or normally would be. We will still finish First Grade within the next couple of months and go into Second Grade immediately. My plan is to have him "caught up" with his age group within two years or so.

Freddie asked me what my plans were and I mentioned something about getting some housework done. He said, "Oh, you still do that? I thought you quit." What a funny guy. I forgive him. He really has no clue. Yes, I have been "slacking" compared to what I normally accomplish. But, I tell you, I am really struggling with my energy level. I could easily take a nap every day (even though I don't), and that is very out of character for me. If I nap, things are BAD! I'm sure that I will slowly get back into my "groove". I just hate that it's taking so long!

I've also been avoiding mirrors lately. As much as I HATE dieting, I am going to have to do something! This is ridiculous! Have I mentioned that I hate exercise more than I hate dieting? What is a girl to do? If anyone knows of a little magic pill that I can take to shed these extra 10 pounds, please let me know! Seriously- I need help people! Give me a diet plan or some sure fire way (that does not require me to exercise) to drop some poundage fairly quickly and I'm all over it! I just don't want to starve myself and still not lose any weight!

I think that if I had more energy that would solve what ails me for now. Maybe it's being cooped up inside for the past few months of winter's cold. Maybe it's being wiped out by an illness and pushing myself to recover faster than I should have. (Maybe it's the whole "I'm against exercise" thing.)  I'm just ready to move outta this slump! Come on Spring- get me out of this pit!

"And let us run with endurance the race that God has set before us. We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, on whom our faith depends from start to finish." Hebrews 12:1-2


The Valentine's Day Post

February 14, 2011

Yes. Today is Valentine's day. A day for love. A day to give gifts of the heart to the one you love. Yesterday, I thought about buying my husband a card. But, the thought was fleeting. I immediately realized that it would be so much more true and genuine if I simply told him in my own words how I feel about him. (As if he doesn't already know.)

  • I LOVE him. Completely. Honestly.
  • I like him.
  • I admire him. 
  • I need him. 
  • I love us
  • I like who we are. 
  • I admire what we have done as a couple. 
  • I love who he brings out in me. 
  • I appreciate having someone in this world that I can trust with the delicate parts of me. 
  • I love having someone to do things for and with. 
  • I love that he thinks that I am, dare I say, beautiful. (At least that's what he tells me.) 
  • He's seen what four pregnancies have done to my body and he's not grossed out by it like I am.
  • He doesn't scream at me when he has to wear his hunting socks to work with dress pants because his jeans are in the washer. 
  • He is probably the only person who can make me feel like I am an individual, instead of only being "Karli, Drake, Brant, and Aubree's Mommy". 
  • He has the ability to make me feel like "Dana, Freddie's wife"!
  • He thinks that what I do is important.
  • He thinks that I am a good Momma.
  • He works hard for his family.
  • He is truly interested in his children and gives gifts of his time to them.
  • He has loved me when I didn't think that anyone could or would. And he did it until I found a way to love myself.
Today is not unlike any other day. I love my husband and my kids just as much as I do any other day. But, today is an excuse to get sappy and tell them just what they mean to me. And I do love them. I just pray that I love them well.

Happy Valentine's Day to the Love's of my life! You make this life worth the living and you keep me wanting to be better, give better, live better, and love better! My cup runneth over!


What's Love Got to Do With It?

February 12, 2011

I am alive. I had been struck down by the nasty old flu, but, I survived. I'm left with a nasty little cough that causes unpleasant things to happen to my body, but, I am not defeated. Just beat up a little, tiny bit.

I've been REreading  "The Shack" over the past few weeks. Normally, a book that small will take me just a day or two. And it did, the first time. But, I am soaking it in this go round. As I read, I cry. The tears just fall from my eyes. It is certainly enlightening to say the least. I am getting so much more out of it this time. Something different. Part of it is because the information in this book can be quite overwhelming, but, the other part of it is that I am in such a different place in my spiritual life. I am able to pull tidbits out of this book and see things that I never could understand before. I recommend this book, but not as a replacement of the Bible. Just as an "interpretation" of some things, maybe a "clarification" of sorts.

I am not about to sit here and debate whether or not I believe that the events in this book took place exactly as the writer claims they did. Maybe they did, maybe they didn't. I personally believe that it's irrelevant. What strikes me as AWEsome is, once I am able to wrap my mind around this stuff,  just how simple and simultaneously complex everything is.

Where before there was fear of "death" (mostly because of the separation from my loved ones on earth), there is now almost an excitement. Not that I am wanting to leave my husband and kids behind right now, but, I just feel comforted that IT is going to be worry free and duty free and care free. It will be a time of just love. Perfect love. Nothing and no one will get in the way to hinder it. Not even time.

I've also been given a glimpse into understanding some of the why's of this crazy life we are living here on earth. We humans tend to complicate things that really don't need to be. We I live with expectation that ends up causing us me pain and disappointment. We I hold back our my love because we I judge others to be unworthy. We I hold on to things because we I believe the lie of "he who dies with the most toys wins". Wekick others down to get them out of our my way on our my climb to the "top". (Of what?) We I don't love others very well, do we I?

I've struggled with the whole "being loved by God" thing all of my life. I've never counted myself significant enough to be loved by anyone, much less God. But then, I had children of my own. And I have experienced true unconditional love. There is nothing that my kids could ever do that would make me not love them. Sure, they could disappoint me. But, they could never make me stop loving them. I will always see the best in them. I will always see that which is lovable in them. I will always see their potential. I will always see their truth. So, if I can love them that way, why can't God love me at least that much? And not only love me, but, love us all. He loves those who disappoint Him, too. He sees the best in the thief and the liar. He sees that which is lovable in the abusive father and husband. He sees the potential of the drug addict. He sees the truth in the one who has been beat down into a position to murder. God's love is perfect. I know that here on earth I will never be able to love like that. But, I think God would want me to try.

The thing about God is that He wants us to love Him~ freely. Out of the truest and deepest and purest desire of our heart. He wants the real deal. That's it. (I am probably gonna get some opposition on this, but, here it is anyway.)  I believe that He doesn't count the number of times we warm a pew. We don't need any religious ceremony or ritual. None of that really matters.  He just wants us to LOVE Him. "The Church" or "The Bride of Christ" is not a religious denomination or sect. The Church is a gathering of people who come together to be in a love relationship with God! I am not opposed to going to church. As a matter of fact, I LOVE my church! I look forward to "warming a pew". I love being in a room with people who love God like I do. I love praising God with others. I love learning about how I can love God better. Again, I don't believe God is watching and counting the times we open our Bible, but I certainly believe that we can and should use the Bible for help and guidance and encouragement. He wants us to be in love with Him just as much as He is in love with us.

I could go on for days about any one aspect of God and His love. It is amazing that something so elementary could be so intricate at the same time. But it is. It's kind of like layers. As you go deeper into it, you can see more beauty and depth, but it is all still the same love. There are endless ways to love God and as we grow in our relationship with Him we are able to love Him better, deeper, more personally. But, we should not feel that we need to "do" anything to be lovable or loving. We just need to love. And that's enough.

"And you must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your strength." Deuteronomy 6:5

"Hatred stirs up quarrels, but love covers all offenses." Proverbs 10:12

"I have loved you even as the Father has loved me. Remain in my love. When you obey me, you remain in my love, just as I obey my Father and remain in His love. I have told you this so that you will be filled with my joy. Yes, your joy will overflow! I command you to love each other in the same way that I love you." John 15:9-12


Our Week in Bullets

February 4, 2011

This week has consisted of:

  • A trip to the doctor with a sick baby.
  • A trip to several pharmacy's trying to find medicine for the sick baby.
  • A call to the doctor for medicine for sick boys.
  • Another search for medicine for sick boys.
  • Two sleepless nights.
  • Three days of home school missed.
  • Three days of Netflix~ no matter how many times it paused to "RETRIEVE".
  • Public school and dance class being cancelled for two days BUT home school is NOT!
  • Frozen rain.
  • Paper Jamz jam session with Brant and Aubree! (They're good!)
  • Sadly, me missing my first bible study of the Bad Girls of the Bible.
  • Daddy getting to be home with us today because of frozen rain!
  • The dog getting a bath in MY bathtub last night. (Yuck)
  • The dog getting to sleep inside the house in his kennel last night.
  • The dog getting to eat at least a sampling of every single snack we have in the house thanks to one loving and generous three year old! (I'm surprised he didn't throw up!)
  • Oh, yeah, and Mommy getting "sick". Can I even say that? Is that legal? 
  • One happy daughter because she managed to not get sick and she won't have to miss the biggest party of the year!

Next week is going to best AWESOME!

"And their prayer offered in faith will heal the sick, and the Lord will make them well." James 5:15


God + Dana sitting in a tree....

February 2, 2011

I'm back! We are currently dealing with a little Flu and probably Strep. It has taken down three members of my family. For you mothers out there, you know what that means! So, yeah, I've been busy. The whining, the crying,  the clinging... and that's not to mention the ones in my family who are sick. (Ba da boomp! I'll be here all week.)

You may or may not know that Drake has not had a computer to be able to do school for a couple of months. It seems that he has a little problem with disobedience and falling asleep with his and/or his brother's laptop in his (top bunk) bed. It's inevitable that said laptop comes crashing to the floor sometime in the wee hours of the night! He's gone through THREE laptops in the past few months. Anyway... life sometimes gives you lemons... yada yada yada.

We are a single income family of SIX. A new computer is not in the budget, so we had to figure out a few things, and then wait. Sometimes that is just what you've got to do. I have clung to the hope that this "wait" has provided some enlightenment to my darling son. I want for him to realize that #1 Mom and Dad really do know what they are talking about most of the time! When he chooses disobedience he usually ends up on the short end of the stick. #2 There are ALWAYS consequences for your actions and choices. If he has to work three times as hard as he would have otherwise, then so be it. I'm going to buy a case of Kleenex (for him) and some ear plugs (for me).  #3 I hope that he gains some appreciation of the value of "things". I know that this may sound contrary, and usually it is. But, we must learn that we need to take care of the things that we have and not be wasteful or hasty. Things are not more important than relationships, but, in our world, we will find a genuine need for certain  things~ and in this case, a computer for school definitely falls into the category of a need, no matter how far up or down it may be on the list.

During the wait, things happened that delayed the process of being able to buy a new computer, but, even through the disappointment and unsettling feelings, we waited. I knew that God was working. I just didn't know how BIG He was doing it.

So, Saturday morning my phone rings. The voice on the other end said, "Would you prefer a desktop or a laptop for Drake?" I said, "A desktop. Why?" After banter back and forth about specifics I asked, "Where are you? How much is this going to cost?" The voice said, "Don't worry about it. It's a brand new computer and it won't cost you a thing. You'll find out more when we get there." Hmm. Confused. Trying to imagine the chain of events that would lead up to someone giving away a brand new computer, because I know that the voice on the phone would not be spending money on one for us. So, fast forward to a brand new, really nice desktop in the box, freshly PURCHASED by the voice for us! A gift. An unsolicited gift. No strings attached. From God! That's what the voice said. God spoke. The voice obeyed. I sobbed.

(*Some names have been changed to protect privacy.)

Let me tell why this is so amazing! First of all, God chose to use the voice instead of a more likely candidate. It would have had less impact coming from any number of other people in my life. I am not saying that it would not have been less appreciated. How can I say this without sounding, well, rude or bratty? Okay. So, you know that there are some people who give without counting the cost? Well, there are those people in my life. But the voice is not, or has not, necessarily been one of those people in the past. It's complicated. In addition, I have been struggling in my relationship with the voice. I love the voice. I really do. But, I do not have the relationship I want to have with the voice. It's complicated. Also, during the wait, I may or may not have questioned God to be sure that He still wants me home schooling our kids. You know how sometimes, you are not sure what God is trying to tell you as you go through some things? Well, I was so wanting His will to be me home schooling, but, I wasn't sure because of all that we've been going through. But, this was a clear and speedy answer from Him of YES you are to be home schooling! It is not complicated. (Thank you, God! I love home schooling!)

So, God, once again, came for me! He found me waiting obediently and patiently for Him. He blessed me in ways that I did not even know He considered. And you know what? Maybe He's not just working in my heart. Maybe, He's working with the voice, too. It brings me to sobbing tears to realize how much my Father loves me. He loves Me. ME! He LOVES me.

"Praise the Lord, for he has shown me his unfailing love. He kept me safe when my city was under attack." Psalm 31:21

"He causes things to happen on earth, either as a punishment or as a sign of his unfailing love." Job 37:13

"And this expectation will not disappoint us. For we know how dearly God loves us, because he has given up the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with his love." Romans 5:5