Nineteen years ago today I was a 98 pound bride with nothing but hope and magical dreams in my heart and my head. I was eager to start a new life and close the book on what had been a difficult journey up to that point. I was head over heels in love with a boy. He had the potential to make my life or destroy it. I was searching to find myself- in him. I was 19 years old then. Barely. Still a kid. No wonder I had no idea who I was or who I wanted to be. But, I did know one thing- I LOVED that boy who said that he loved me, too!
Since then, I've discovered who I am- I am the daughter of the King of Kings. That's why I can be a good wife to this really groovy guy who rocks my world. We have been through so much over the past 19 years. Some of it was absolutely dreamy. Some of it was like a nightmare. But, we stood by each other and held on tight when there was not much else we thought we could do, because at the end of the day we really did love each other. And sometimes that was all we had.
Today, in honor of our celebration of our love for each other, I would like to share
19 Reasons Why...
I love you because
- Karli Blayne
- Drake William Elie
- Brant James Lee
- Aubree AnnaLynn
- You loved me when I didn't even know how to love myself.
- You work hard so that I can stay home and live MY dream, and you never complain.
- You don't have problems with self-esteem, mine or yours.
- The first time you kissed me I literally felt my heart melt and pour like warm coffee throughout my whole body into my toes.
- You almost always spend your Best Buy Rewards on me instead of on yourself.
- You push me to be better than I think I am.
- You think I'm hot.
- You've got the cutest boyish smile that you flash at the perfect time.
- You are the most amazing Daddy to our kids!
- Wherever you are is the only place that it feels like home to me.
- You are smart.
- Most mornings when I wake up the coffee is already made.
- Being a couple is still as important to you as being parents.
- You eat pretty much anything I cook.
- You use reverse psychology on me even though we both know exactly what you're doing and it always works!
Happy Anniversay, Freddie! I love you even more today than I did all those years ago. I thank God for you every day and I pray for many more healthy, happy years together!
"In the same way husbands should love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself. for no one ever hated his own flesh, but nourishes and cherishes it, just as Christ does the church" Ephesians 5:28-29
So beautiful!! Great job!! Happy anniversary!
That was so sweet to read! I'm glad you have good one. Congratulations on 19 years!!!
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