
31 Days {day 22}

October 22, 2013

where do you see yourself in 5 years? 10 years? 15 years?

In five years I will be 45 years old & Freddie will be 46.
Karli will be 19 years old & hopefully in college or something.
Drake will be 17 years old and a senior in high {home}school.
Brant will be 15 years old and a freshman.
Aubree will be almost 11 years old and in the 6th grade probably.
{Now I am officially depressed.}
My life will certainly look different than it does today~
although my kids and their interests will still be front & center.
I see football and dancing still being a big part of my life.
I would imagine that there might be a few romantic interests as well.
I will have two more licensed drivers in our home. God help me.
Hopefully, if all goes according to plan, we will be debt free and 
living in a newly built house with enough space for lots of friends & family.
And a pool. I really want an in-ground pool.

In ten years I will be 50 years old & Freddie will be 51.
Karli will be 24 and working or maybe even married.
Drake will be 22 and a college graduate with a good job.
Brant will be 20 years old and in technical/trade school.
Aubree will be almost 16 and a junior in high {home} school.
Could there be a grand-baby in the picture? It's possible.
I imagine that Aubree {and maybe Brant} will be living at home still.
Are there wedding bells in the air? Could be.
I'm probably going to be totally gray because 
Aubree will be officially a licensed driver. YIKES!

In fifteen years I will be 55 years old & Freddie will be 56.
Karli will be 29 years old & she better be married and have at least one kid!
Drake will be 27 years old & he'll probably be married too. Kids would be nice.
Brant will be 25 years old & he'll be working now and probably married, too.
Aubree will be almost 21 years old and God only knows what she'll be doing.
Freddie & I will hopefully be able to do a lot of traveling.
The extra rooms in our house will be now used for our grand-kids 
and perhaps even space for our new hobbies.
We're still several years away from retirement, 
but hopefully Freddie doesn't have to work nearly as hard as he once did.
I may have a part time job, but in the least I will dedicate a portion of my time
volunteering my time and talents somewhere.

"Gray hair is a crown of splendor, it is attained in the way of righteousness." Proverbs 16:31

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