
Bring It On

May 25, 2011

Guess who's back? Did ya miss me? I've certainly missed blogging. It has come to be very theraputic. When you get all the thoughts and words OUT of your head, they seem to find perspective and serve as a means of accountabiity.

Something else that can be theraputic is an ocean breeze blowing over your body while your feet are buried in the sand and everyone around you smells delicious with suntan lotion! There's something relaxing about watching your big kids body surfing, the hunter fishing in the ocean for a new species of marine life never before discovered, and the baby swimming in a pool dug out in the sand just close enough to the sea to fill with water as the highest waves lap the shore. And as much as I hate the sand sticking to my hands, I kind of don't mind it so much when I see how happy it makes my kids.

We had a really good time. It was nice to get away from the day to day grind of real life. Even though the days started earlier than they do at home, it was okay. It meant more time for playing. And when it was all said and done, and it was time to head back to reality, we brought back living momentos of our vacation to somehow keep us there for a while longer. I'm hoping we don't have to make a super secret trip to the pet store to replace anyone who doesn't make it. Hopefully, their memories will live a long time!
It was a blessing to be invited on this vacation. We will not soon forget the fun times we had or the good friends we shared them with. I am filled with appreciation for the snapshots that are sure to be engraved in the minds of my children for a lifetime.

There were times when my kids fought with each other. Yes, they still had their battles of disrespect and intolerance between them. There were times when they got frustrated and selfish. But, what I will remember long from now, and hopefully they will too, are moments like this...
Our summer has officially been Kicked Off. It started in the grandest way. And I am determined to make this the best summer yet! It's going to take a little work on my part. But, it will be worth the effort. And I want to have many snapshots of this time to hold on to for life! So bring on the adventure! I'm ready.

"You quieted the raging oceans with their pounding waves and silenced the shouting of the nations. Those who live at the ends of the earth stand in awe of your wonders. From where the sun rises to where it sets, you inspire shouts of joy." Psalm 65:7-8

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