
31 Days {day 16}

October 16, 2013

what are your 5 greatest accomplishments?

  1. Okay. If you know me, you know I am going to say my kids. I am so proud of each of them. They are smart, and beautiful, and compassionate {most of the time}. It was not an easy feat to have children at first. There were several years of infertility. Countless doctor visits, money spent, injections, and graphic invasions of my {uh um} privacy. I cannot tell you how many prayers were prayed or tears were shed. I begged & pleaded with God. And if I had to do it all over again? I would go to the ends of the earth to get the four children I have now. The exact ones. There is nothing about any one of them that I would want to change.
  2. I had a rough social experience in school. Some days were pretty good. But when they were bad, they were really bad. In all fairness, I wasn't the only one who had this experience in my school. It was common and we all took our turns being the outcast. Nonetheless, my self-esteem suffered greatly. In part due to the brutality of my school life but I was also terribly abused at home. Some would say that I did not have a fighting chance to walk away from my youth unscathed. But I did! Okay. There are scars that remain. But I wear them as reminders of what I overcame. 
  3. I have been faithfully married to one man for over 21 years. Listen y'all- this is BIG!
  4. I managed to withstand labor and childbirth four times without the aid of any pain medication at all!
  5. None of these things would be possible if not for one thing- my greatest accomplishment of all. I gave my heart and life over to God several years ago. He is why I have children. He is why I made it out of childhood alive. He is the whisper that was always deep inside that knew I was lovable when no one else did. He is how my marriage has withstood the testings of this life. All glory to Him, it is not I but He who lives in me.
"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Philippians 4:13

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